J.A. Age: 56 Training: 2 x Onero per week. Results: Our client increased her lumbar spine Bone Mineral Density (BMD)...
Age: 65
Training: Onero twice a week for 12 months.
The client had an increase in her Lumbar spine (LS) bone mineral density of 4.63% going from a T-score of -2.87 to -2.57. Her lean mass also improved by 5.9%, which is another great predictor in reducing falls in older adults.
The clients back extensor strength test increased by 27.41 %. Studies have shown that increased back extensor strength is associated with reduced risk of vertebral fractures and decreased thoracic kyphosis (posture). Her functional reach increased by 7.69% which is a measure of dynamic balance. Impaired balance is a major risk factor for falling and an increase in balance is therefore an important element of functional mobility in populations at risk for falls and fractures. Additionally, her functional mobility and walking ability improved by 4.68% measured by the Timed Up and Go test. This test is great in predicting a reduction in falls risk in older adults.
J.A. Age: 56 Training: 2 x Onero per week. Results: Our client increased her lumbar spine Bone Mineral Density (BMD)...
N.A. Age: 58 Training : Onero twice per week (second year of Onero training) Bone Results: The client increased the...
J.A. Age: 64 Training: Onero twice a week for 12 months. Results: Our client maintained her bone density in her...
C.N. Age: 62 Training: Onero twice a week for 12 months. Results: The client increased the bone mineral density...