J.A. Age: 56 Training: 2 x Onero per week. Results: Our client increased her lumbar spine Bone Mineral Density (BMD)...
Age: 59
Training: Onero twice a week for 14 months .
The client had an increase in her lumbar spine (LS) by 5.0%; going from a T-score of -2.45 to -2.16.
Her timed up and go improved by 2.03% which is a measure of gait speed and agility.
J.A. Age: 56 Training: 2 x Onero per week. Results: Our client increased her lumbar spine Bone Mineral Density (BMD)...
N.A. Age: 58 Training : Onero twice per week (second year of Onero training) Bone Results: The client increased the...
J.A. Age: 64 Training: Onero twice a week for 12 months. Results: Our client maintained her bone density in her...
C.N. Age: 62 Training: Onero twice a week for 12 months. Results: The client increased the bone mineral density...