by the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
At The Bone Clinic, our fundamental ethos is the application of ground breaking evidence-based practice. We are first and foremost a research facility, providing cutting-edge non-pharmacological (non-drug) options for our clients with poor bone health, including osteoporosis.
The LIFTMOR trial was a high quality research investigation of exercise for postmenopausal women with low bone mass conducted at Griffith University and supervised by TBC Director Prof Belinda Beck. The exciting positive results were published in the very prestigious Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR) and formed the basis for TBC’s OneroTM exercise program.
We are always gratified when the research and clinical community recognises our work and so were delighted to receive notification that the LIFTMOR publication, received top 20 JBMR download status for 2017/18 – a fantastic achievement. This evidence of intense interest in our exercise program is a reflection of the appetite there is for alternatives to bone medications for osteoporosis and for high quality research studies in exercise for osteoporosis such as the LIFTMOR trial.
Congratulations Prof Beck, and thank you for your vision of The Bone Clinic, and its ongoing fight for healthy bones across the lifespan.