Donna Bunting Reception
My name is Donna Bunting and I am The Bone Clinic’s Receptionist. I have worked at TBC since 2016 and have watched it grow from strength to strength. My job entails all contact with clients and practitioners and I love assisting our awesome staff and helping all of our wonderful clientele with any questions they may have. I am very good at communication and my skills are great customer service, good listener, exceptional multi-tasker, and I have a very high standard in organisational skills. In my role as Receptionist I need to always have a happy and welcoming smile and to help people relax and feel comfortable as it can be a very daunting task coming for your initial assessment and I hope I achieve this goal for everyone. I can at times try for perfection but in my role that can’t always happen. I have always been a Receptionist and I love it as I think that is my main strength and I am good at it.