ONERO Class Bookings

Please note if you are a new client to The Bone Clinic

you must have an initial assessment with us before attending classes.

Please contact us on 07 3391 5510 to make an appointment.



Everyone who commences training at The Bone Clinic will start in a beginner class. Here you will be introduced to techniques required to undertake ONERO training. After 2-4 weeks (or roughly 4-10 classes, depending on your ability), your coach will assess you by taking ability and all of your conditions into account and will assign you to Pre-ONERO or ONERO.


ONERO is The Bone Clinic’s flag-ship exercise programme designed specifically to improve bone mass, muscle strength and balance and thereby prevent falls and fractures. ONERO is the high intensity exercise program tested in the successful LIFTMOR trial, with the addition of a range of exercises known to enhance balance. While ONERO’s lifting exercises alone will reduce the risk of falls, the dedicated balance exercises included in ONERO are likely to notably enhance this effect.


Even after Beginners, not every individual has the necessary ability (eg. coordination, spacial awareness, range of motion, pelvic floor control etc) required to safely participate in ONERO. For those people, we offer the Pre-ONERO class as a means of developing the specific skill(s) they require. Only book these classes if you have been assigned to them by our Exercise Physiologist.


How to make a booking? CLICK HERE for instructions.


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